C Clamps (also known as G Clamp)
1. Essential for gluing jobs
2. To hold pieces while sawing
Parts of the clamp
It is advisable to keep the tommy bar on top as it becomes easy to tighten and loosen the screw
Long pieces of wood can be clamped by several c clamps at different places
Use a piece of scrap wood as a buffer between the work piece and clamp when working with delicate materials.
C Clamp can be used to extend the workpiece well out of the workbench, so that it can be cut
Spring Clamps (Pinch Clamps)
If the sheet is too big and covers the entire table, then using the threaded holes is not possible. You can use adjustable spring clamps to hold down the stock
Bar Clamps
This tool is used in woodworking while more permanent attachment is being made with screws or glue, or in metalworking to hold pieces together for welding or bolting. It is also called the F clamp.
Pipe Clamps
How to Store Clamps
C Clamps Storage
Method #1: Cradle
Method #2: Pin cushion
Method #3: Under-mount rack
This handy under-mount rack keeps your clamps right where you need them. Simply cut a series of 1-1/4-in.-diameter holes along the center line of a 2×6 and then rip the 2×6 in half to create the half-circle slots. Next, screw 1×4 sides and top to the cradle and screw it to the bottom of your workbench.