
"Geography is the only subject that asks you to look at the world and try to make sense of it. The field never stops being exciting because that's what geography is all about - trying to make sense of the world."

--Peirce F. Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Geography, Pennsylvania State University

You want to understand the world. Why not start with a river, a city, a mountain, a village, a road, and follow it to the ends of the earth? Geography asks the big questions — Where? How? Why? What if? — and gives you the perspective to answer them with advanced technology and a solid knowledge of the world in which we all live.

Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences and the natural sciences. There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water. Geographers use many tools and techniques in their work, and geographic technologies are increasingly important for understanding our complex world. They include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and online mapping such as Google Earth.